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Kickstarter Campaign Update

Hi everyone,

Thank you for your support, even though we didn't reach the funding goal we're still very happy to know that there are so many people who want to play Nippon Marathon 2. 

A few people have asked if we can extend the campaign but we decided not to do that. Unfortunately the losses of family we've both experienced recently mean we'll be taking some time off. It's been a tough month for us and our thoughts go out to everyone else who has suffered hard times during the pandemic.

When we're back on our feet we will post an update here about the future of our games.  We don't think it's the end of the road for Nippon Marathon 2, it might just take a little longer for us to get there! 

For us though, we'd really appreciate if you joined our mailing list, just enter your email address on the home page of our website. We promise not to spam you:

Thanks again, you've been awesome,

Andy and Amy.


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